Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday blog
Sorry this is a little late the first hotel we stayed at didn't have FREE wireless internet and I wasn't prepared to pay for some. So here is Monday and Tuesday in the same day.

Arrived Charolette NC at 10:30 local time. Let it be know that Eric and Mr. M had to sit together and did manage to make it ok.

We had are first celebrity sighting. In Kansas City airport John Cena asked if he could have his picture taken with all the cool CAM students.

Boy are we tired. Only 13 more hours before we get to the hotel.

Guest Blogger talk about what they liked best on the trip so far.
Eric McKee
My favorite part was going to the seafood buffet. I’ve never had some of those foods. They were a bit odd. I also thought it was great how much room I got on the plane. Mr. Mehrhoff and I, the two smallest people, got to sit by each other on the plane.
Clayton Schmidt
So far my favorite part was going on the plane. It was my first time going on a plane and take off was a blast. Last night we went on the Ghost tour around Williamsburg and it was neat to hear all of the different stories about the ghost.
Makaye Smith
So far, we’ve only been to Mount Vernon and the Ghost tour. So, my favorite would have to be Mount Vernon, as it was daytime when we went, and not freezing outside. It was sort of hard for me to wrap it around my brain that Mount Vernon was Washington’s home. But it was great to see, and I’m glad we went.

We also went out at night to walk around Williamsburg while our night guide told us about the ghost of Williamsburg. Interesting but kinda cold. Didn't see any ghosts this year.

Got back to the hotel about 11:30 so only about 36 hours straight with not sleep.


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